To the polish Baltic Sea
To the polish Baltic Sea
In february/march 2018 we fulfilled the necessary tests for breeding and got these fantastic results:
Dilute (colour dilution): D/D (homozygous)
JME (Juvenile Myoklonische Epilepsie): N/N (no carrier)
DM (Degenerative Myelopathie): N/N (no carrier, homozygous)
HD (hip dysplasia): A1 (free)
ED (elbow dysplasia) free
OCD (Osteochondrosis dissecans): free
transitional vortex: free
Dayo has a complete scissor bite and a correct tail. Dermoid sinus (DS) has been excluded.
In April 2018 a spermiogram has been made.
You can request every result of analysis if you want.